Downtown LA

Downtown LA
LA high rises from The Douglas Lofts (3rd & Spring)

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Community Garden in Downtown LA?

I read this article a while back in the Home section of the LATimes about the Fountain Community Gardens.  It got me to thinking that a community garden would be a perfect thing for us loft dwellers downtown.  A community garden could take over one or two or three of the many surface parking lots we have.  Wouldn't you love to grow your very own tasty tomatoes for salads, or grow beautiful flowers that you could show off in your loft?  It would be the best of both worlds - urban living and gardening!

I don't know how to turn the idea into reality, but if any of you have ideas, share them here, or contact me directly to recommend someone I should talk to.

Fountain Community Gardens. Photo source: LA Times

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